SASPI, a fastener machinery manufacturer based in Spain, says it has carried out an R&D in which compact equipment is developed to drill the heads of bolts that are manufactured for aircraft engines, a design which included a feeding and turning system for bolts and screws. This purpose of the operation, for a project called “VOLCAB,” is to lighten the weight of the parts as much as possible, but without losing strength. This project was subsidized by SPRI in the HAZITEK program, an initiative to drive R&D in the Basque region.
In the U.S., SASPI machines are sold by Cinco Industries in Huntley, IL . “SASPI has consistently been an innovator in the machinery industry, which is why Cinco is proud to represent their complete line of high-speed thread rolling machines all throughout North America,” the company says. Tooling & Machinery Sales in Cerritos, CA, also sells both new and used SASPI machines.
Increased Efficiency Via Automation
SASPI machines are designed to maximize production times and reduce down time for setups and changeovers, as well as allowing an operator freedom to manage multiple jobs. For this reason the machines are automated and motorized in order to avoid the use of tools as much as possible and increase the efficiency and precision of adjustments.
SASPI offers a complete line of high-speed thread rollers, including Flat Die Thread Rollers, Rotary Thread Rollers, Washer Assembly Units, and Form Rollers. SASPI Flat Die Thread rollers range from #0 Size to #70 as well as a line of Rotary Thread Rollers through 12mm Diameter. All machines can be supplied with single and double washer assembly units.
Motorized Rail Adjustments
All rail adjustments are motorized as well as the die match and the stationary die block. The patented SASPI motorized die block system can adjust the diameter with high precision in as little as a few seconds just by pressing the screen, saving a lot of manual work and time.
Both dies are clamped hydraulically and all these factors are controlled by a touch screen where you are able to store job numbers into the memory and recall when needed with all setup dimensions. The display may include an optional integrated process monitor. These features make SASPI machines the fastest machines to changeover. The developing process never stops and SASPI is now working on an even easier and more reliable set-up system that will be shown soon.
All machines are equipped with Touch Screen Controls. Operators are able to raise and lower feed rails and Vibratory Feeders from the touch screen. SASPI also offers complete touch screen setup, which includes optional hydraulic clamping of the dies and die block, as well as opening and closing of the feed rails. Jobs can be stored in the touch screen for complete recall of set up. An optional automatic eccentric is available for matching dies, which is also controller through the touch screen.
Apart from thread rollers SASPI has a range of high-quality products, such as its well-known MPA high-speed shave pointers. These elements can be combined together to form complex machines like thread rollers with pointers, washer assembly units, stud selectors or induction heaters.